How to Apply for Staff

The staff team consists of volunteers who aspire to keep the server fun and fair for the community to enjoy. Staff members provide support to players, enforce the rules, and more. You can read more about staff duties HERE.

To become staff, you must comply with the staff requirements and write a staff application.


If your application has been denied, you must wait a month from the denial message before posting another one.
Staff Requirements

Applicants who do not meet all of the following requirements will be instantly denied:

  • Aged 15 or older
  • Able to record Minecraft videos
  • Able to speak in Discord calls if needed
  • Active on our Minecraft server, Discord, and the forums
  • Has good behaviour and is familiar with our rules
  • Has 30 or more accepted player reports
  • Not staff on any other Minecraft server

Being active in every area of the community allows us to get to know you better and helps us determine if you are fit for a staff position. Besides that, you must have some experience on all platforms to answer questions and help others.

We encourage you to interact with other players and help them when needed (e.g. in #community-help on Discord). We advise you to be as active on all platforms as you would be if you were a staff member.

Lastly, staff members must be online in-game for at least 7 hours per week, which is also the minimum playtime we expect from our applicants.

Behaviour and Reputation

Staff members are always in the center of attention. They must always behave well and be a role model for the community. The same applies to applicants. If you are rude, immature, or disrespectful towards others (even as a joke), you may get denied.

This applies to all chats and rules. For instance, swearing is not punishable in private chats, but we still expect applicants not to swear anywhere. Even if your message gets blocked by our chat filter, you may still get denied for inappropriate behavior due to the intent behind the message. As an aspiring staff member, you should always be respectful and polite to everyone no matter the circumstances.

Applicants with an unclean punishment history or bad reputation have a lower chance of getting accepted. This does not mean that it is impossible to become staff if you have been punished in the past, but a clean history will aid you in the process.

Staff Application

It is up to you how you want to write your application. You can find some tips about this HERE. However, here are some general guidelines which you should follow no matter what you write:

  • Do not ask staff members to check your application. Also, do not post it anywhere. Be patient and wait until it either gets denied or accepted.
  • Formal language in an application shows intelligence and maturity. Joking in your application or using emojis or fonts does not appear professional.
  • Prevent (most) spelling and grammar mistakes by rereading your application when it is done.
  • Your application must contain at least 600 words including the questions (paste it HERE to check).
  • Copying an application from an AI language model/player/website will result in your application being instantly denied.
  • Sharing/discussing your application with others is disallowed and will result in your application being instantly denied.
  • Lying in your application will result in your application being instantly denied.

Each application is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Following the guidelines above does not guarantee acceptance. By writing an application, try to make yourself stand out from the rest and convince us why we should accept you to the team.

We hope to welcome you to the team soon. Good luck!

This article was written by Arrly.