If you have found someone violating our server rules, you may report them HERE. Before that, you must be aware of all the basic information when it comes to reporting. This thread covers the basic information.
- Verify if the content breaks our server rules.
- Capture the evidence (more information in the section below).
- Head over to player reports.
- Fill out the questions and provide the information required.
- Finally, submit the report.
There are plenty of software available online that can help you capture evidence. For capturing screenshots, the recommended software is Lightshot. For capturing video evidence, the suggested software is Open Broadcaster Software (OBS). Make sure to upload your pieces of evidence and provide the links to them in your thread.
How to Use Lightshot
- Download Lightshot HERE.
- Press PrntScr if you are on the Windows operating system or Command + Shift + 9 if you are on the Mac operating system on your keyboard (the default keybinds) which will momentarily allow you to select the area on your screen that you want to capture.
- Select the area of your screen that you would like to screenshot.
- Press Ctrl + D (Windows) or Command + D (Mac) to upload a screenshot of the selected area directly to Lightshot servers. This will present you with a link that you can submit as evidence in your bug report thread. Alternatively, you can copy the selected area and upload it to Imgur instead. Click HERE to upload the image to Imgur. Make sure to provide the link to your screenshot in the bug report thread either way.
How to Use OBS
- Download OBS HERE.
- Launch the application and in the Sources tab, click on the plus (+) button to add a source.
- Click on Display Capture. This will record your entire screen.
- Click on OK.
- Your entire screen will be recorded once you click on Start Recording.
While we have given our suggestions, you can use software that best suits you as well. However, always make sure to upload your pieces of evidence to reputable platforms like YouTube or Imgur.
- We only accept reports in which valid evidence is provided. This means you either have to provide us with a full-screen screenshot (including /realname [player] in case the rule breaker is nicked and a scoreboard with the date visible) or video evidence. It depends on the type of offense. Note that screenshots in which certain things are covered are considered invalid evidence.
- We do not accept reports in which the offense and /realname [player] are provided in two separate screenshots nor when the scoreboard is missing.
- Attempting to report someone with falsified (forged) evidence is a bannable offence.
- If you have found someone breaking our server rules, make sure to report them as soon as possible. If your evidence is too old, your report will be rejected.
- Video evidence longer than 3 minutes and without timestamps may get denied instantly. We recommend adding timestamps for all videos longer than a minute.
- Auto-clicker suspects should be directed to an online staff member with the SS Verified or SS Manager role on our Discord server, and not reported on forums.
- Evidence submitted while using the Replay Mod or a Nick Hider is considered invalid due to security precautions.
- Removing reported evidence after your report has been handled is disallowed. This includes automatic deletion some websites have in certain circumstances (e.g. Streamable), so we do not recommend you use such websites for uploading evidence. You are responsible for the evidence you report and its status.
Staff members reserve the right to deny your report if you have failed to comply with the above.
Your report can be denied for various reasons. However, you should make sure everything provided in your report is correct. Below, we have provided a list of common denial reasons:
- Already punished: The user you punished was already punished. You can check if the player was already punished HERE (only applicable to in-game punishments).
- Invalid evidence: The evidence you have provided does not meet our evidence requirements (ie. not being old, not being cropped, containing a scoreboard, etc.). Additionally, using the F5 perspective or walking backward can also be deemed invalid if you are reporting a cheater.
- No timestamps: The video evidence you have provided is longer than 3 mins and you did not provide timestamps.
- Insufficient evidence/too light: The evidence you have provided cannot be used to deem whether the rule was broken.
Once you decide to create a report, you will be asked to answer the questions listed below.
Username of the rule breaker- Input the username of the user being reported.
- Input the rule(s) broken by the user.
- Provide valid evidence against the user.
- If applicable, provide timestamp(s) to the video evidence you have provided.
- If applicable, provide the link to the forum post where the offense was committed.
- If applicable, provide any additional information on what you may know or anything that you may want to mention.
Players who frequently make high-quality and accurate reports may apply for the Great Reporter rank by creating a support ticket. To apply for the rank, you must have made at least 150 accepted reports and a report accept rate above 80%. Note that any sort of falsified or fake reports will result in immediate disqualification for the rank.
Thanks for taking the time to help us keep a safe place for everyone.
This article was written by aeserior.