A modification is considered anything that modifies vanilla gameplay either through adding Minecraft mods or texture packs, directly modifying the client or otherwise affecting your software or hardware. This article covers everything you need to know to ensure you can safely use allowed modifications to improve your gameplay without fearing breaking the rules.
Note that this article may be modified at any time and that PikaNetwork does not endorse any of the listed modifications.
It is not entirely obvious whether some modifications can or cannot provide an unfair advantage, so it is highly recommended to review this article from start to finish to ensure you are not misinterpreting any modifications.
Modifications which cannot provide an unfair advantage are allowed on the network. Below are listed some types of allowed modifications:
- Aesthetic modifications. These modifications only modify the appearance of your game without providing you with any sort of advantage. Modifications which alter the transparency of any blocks do not fall under this category and are disallowed. Brightness-adjusting modifications are allowed.
- Chat macros. These modifications send chat messages at the press of a button or otherwise automate sending chat messages. This is the only allowed type of macro.
- Cosmetic display modifications. These modifications provide information in a more accessible way (for example, by showing your armor's durability on your screen so you do not have to check it by opening your inventory). This category also covers modifications which show the health or armor durability of other players. These may not work on all game modes, which is intended.
- Performance-improving modifications. These modifications seek to improve your client's performance (frames per second) without otherwise altering your gameplay. Optifine is the most common example here.
- Recording modifications. These modifications record your gameplay for you. A common example is the Replay Mod.
Examples of Allowed Modifications
- 5zig Mod
- Armor Status HUD
- Auto Text Hotkey
- Badlion
- Batty's Coordinates
- Better FPS Mod
- Cheat Breaker
- Chroma HUD
- CosmicPvP
- Crosshair Mod
- Damage Indicators
- Direction HUD
- Forge
- Free Look Mod
- Heart Indicators
- Hyperium
- In-Game Account Switcher
- Key Mod
- KiLO Air
- LabyMod
- Lunar
- Nick Hiders
- Optifine
- Pixel
- Player API Mod
- Reach Circle Mod
- Realistic Movement
- Replay Mod
- Shaders Mod
- Status Effect HUD
- Tabby Chat
- Toggle Sneak
- Toggle Sprint
Owning a modification which has disallowed features may get you banned even if you are not using the disallowed features on the server. Purely having a forbidden modification on your computer is punishable.
Any modification which provides an unfair advantage is against the rules. Below are some common misconceptions and types of disallowed modifications:
- Automations and gameplay macros. Any modification which automates non-chat actions is against the rules. This includes modifications which click for you, assist your clicking (excluding modifying debounce time, which is allowed) and similar. Examples include auto-clickers, X-Mouse Button Control, and using Minecraft glitches.
- Hacked and ghost clients. These clients have features (such as extended reach, modified knockback, etc.) which offer an unfair advantage over others. Such features are disallowed on their own, not only while in a client.
- Hit-enhancing modifications. These modifications affect your hit delay and are not allowed. Examples are No Hit Delay and Hit Delay Fix.
- Minimaps with entities. If a minimap shows anything other than blocks (such as players or mobs), it is disallowed.
- X-Ray mods and texture packs. These modifications alter the transparency of blocks or entities. They are forbidden.
Examples of Disallowed Modifications
- Alt Loader Mod
- Auto-clickers
- BetterPvP Mod
- BreakCraft Mod
- Click Delay Fix
- Crash Client
- Crystal Optimiser
- Elytra/Chestplate Swapper
- Fast Bridge Mod
- Free Cam
- Hit Delay Fix
- Entity/Player Radars
- Interface+ Mod
- Inventory Tweaks
- Inventory Walk
- Keep Fly
- Mouse Delay Fix
- No Click Delay
- No Hit Delay
- Rei's Minimap
- 'Scroll clicking'
- Smart Moving Mod
- Voxel Minimap
- WeepCraft Mod
- World Downloader Mod
- X-Mouse Button Control
- X-Ray texture packs
- Zyin's HUD
- Any modification not listed here is purely a 'use at your own risk'. If you are unsure whether a certain modification is allowed, it is best not to use it.
- Modifying your flying speed is considered an unfair advantage and is disallowed. This covers any Fly Boost mods.
- Player reports submitted with a Nick Hider or Replay Mod are considered invalid due to security precautions.
- The Printer module of the Schematica mod, used for automatically pasting builds, is only allowed on Factions and OP Factions. It is disallowed elsewhere.
- Using bot accounts on the server is allowed only if the bots do not cause any issues. They may not spam the chat, cause lag or similar.
- Using disallowed modifications built into approved clients is forbidden. The most common example of this is Fly Boost.
We hope that this article has helped you better understand which modifications you may or may not use on the server. Have fun playing!
This article was written by Arrly.