A hack is considered a disallowed modification that gives an advantage over other players. In this article, you will find information regarding some of the most popular hacks, how to detect them and how to report the players using them (hackers).
Aimbot is a hack that helps its user aim. Aimbot automatically aims at the closest entity (usually a player or a mob), which can make it so the head of the hacker snaps incredibly quickly into the head of the nearest player. However, Aimbot will not automatically hit the nearest entity, so an Aimbot user will still have to click to fight someone. The easiest way to spot this hack is to watch the user while they are fighting multiple opponents at once. Their head snaps will then be really noticeable.
Auto Armor
Auto Armor is a hack that makes its user automatically wear the best armour in their inventory. It is also going to automatically (and very quickly) replace the broken piece of armour with another one if the player has it in their inventory. The way to spot this hack is to carefully watch the suspect when their armour is about to break. If they are fighting and the moment their armour breaks it gets replaced, without them changing it manually (for example by right-clicking an armour piece in their hotbar), it is Auto Armor. This hack is usually used on PvP servers where a lot of armour is used (for example OP Factions).
Auto-clickers are (usually) external programs that click automatically, usually at a very high CPS (clicks per second) rate, for the player using it when they hold down their right or left click button. Bugs in certain versions of Minecraft that give players the opportunity to auto-click are included here and are not allowed to be used. Some auto-clickers are built into the clients and some of them even make their users able to hit while eating, drinking a potion, or dragging a bow, but those are pretty rare in practice.
Bunny Hop (B-Hop)
Bunny Hop is a hack that modifies a jumping movement of a player and makes them make large circular movements with their jumps while taking no knockback and while not having to slow down while eating, shooting a bow, etc. It also makes the player able to jump backward.
Click Aura
Click Aura is a manual hack that makes the hacker able to hit other players without directly looking at them. It is easy to detect, but it should not be confused with delayed hits since some players have high ping and they might look like they are using Click Aura. Since it is a manual hack, Click Aura does not make the hacker able to hit while eating, drinking a potion, dragging a bow, etc.
Derp is a hack that makes the hacker able to walk in a straight line (or however they want) while their head spins all around. However, that spinning does not affect the movement of the hacker - they can still do everything normally. On their screen, they are not even spinning.
Fast Eat
Fast Eat is a hack that makes the hacker able to immediately eat food or potions after right-clicking on them. The easiest way to notice it is to hear the sounds the hacker is making while they are eating. If they appear to be eating a lot of food in a very short time span, that is Fast Eat. Make sure not to confuse it with the sound of many people eating at the same time though.
It makes the hacker able to fly without having the fly command or permission to fly. It usually increases the flying speed as well.
Forcefield is a hack that is similar to Click Aura but is automatic. It creates an invisible 'field of force' around the hacker, making them hit every entity inside of that field automatically. Since it is an automatic hack, Forcefield makes the hacker able to hit while eating, drinking a potion, dragging a bow, etc.
Ghost Hand
Ghost Hand is a hack that makes the hacker able to hit other entities (players) through blocks. It should not be confused with breaking a block and then quickly hitting through it - that is exploiting, not hacking. This hack is usually used on Kit-PvP and Minigames since hitting through blocks there provides a huge advantage.
Inventory Cleaner
Inventory Cleaner is a hack that automatically throws out random (useless) items from the inventory of the hacker. Never confuse it with a normal player throwing away random stuff from their inventory. The way to differentiate between the two is that Inventory Cleaner makes the hacker able to throw away several items while fighting someone without having them in their hotbar, which is usually very noticeable.
Jesus (Solid Liquids)
Jesus is a hack that makes the hacker able to walk on water and lava like they are solid blocks. However, when a Jesus user sneaks, they will be able to go down the water and lava normally.
Kill Aura
Kill Aura is one of the most used combat hacks. It makes the hacker able to automatically hit the nearest entity. It also has Aimbot built into it so it always aims at the nearest entity while hitting it. Kill Aura has many configurable settings, like its reach, attack speed, and more. Since it is an automatic hack, Kill Aura makes the hacker able to hit while eating, drinking a potion, dragging a bow, etc.
No Slowdown
No Slowdown is a hack that makes the hacker able to eat, drink potions, drag a bow and walk through webs without getting slowed down.
Player ESP (Tracers)
Player ESP is a hack that makes the hacker able to see players through solid blocks. On some clients, it draws bright (imaginary) lines towards other players while on some it makes hitboxes of other players glow.
Reach is a hack that increases the attack reach of the hacker. Maximum reach in Vanilla Minecraft is 3 blocks, but with this hack, the hacker can configure their own reach however they want. However, it should be taken into account that some players with high ping might look like they are using Reach because of their delayed hits. To avoid confusing this, always look at their knockback as well. If their knockback is delayed and they look like they are using Reach, they are most likely just laggy and are getting delayed hits. Also, it might be looking like someone is using Reach if the player who is fighting the suspect is walking backwards. There is an awkward Minecraft mechanic that makes people who are fighting players who are walking backwards look like they are using Reach. A useful thing to look at when looking at a potential Reach user is to look at their first hit in a fight. If their first hit is a Reach hit, then it is probably Reach and not lag.
Safewalk is a hack that makes the hacker not fall off the block on their own. It is very useful for bridging because it simulates the action of shifting on the edge of a block. People usually use Safewalk in Minigames because of its bridging benefits.
Speed is a hack that increases the movement speed of the hacker.
Spider is a hack that is used to climb up things like a spider. It is basically going to make the hacker able to climb up anything like everything has a ladder on the side.
Spin is a hack that allows the hacker to spin all around while walking in a straight line. It is similar to Derp, but it spins the whole body of the hacker.
Step is a hack that makes the hacker able to immediately climb higher places. It is usually going to teleport the hacker on top of, for example, a building they want to climb up to when the hacker approaches that building. It should not be confused with Spider - Spider is slow while Step is instant.
Timer is a hack that makes the entire game faster for the hacker and makes the hacker do everything faster: they will jump faster, eat faster, drink faster, shoot arrows faster, climb up ladders faster, swim in water faster, walk faster, etc.
Velocity (Anti Knockback)
Velocity is a hack that makes the hacker able to modify their knockback to their own liking. They can increase it, decrease it, change its direction, or entirely nullify it. However, a laggy player should not be confused with a Velocity user. If the player has delayed knockback that does not mean they are using Velocity.
X-Ray is a hack (or a texture pack) that is used to find ores more easily. It will make all stone, dirt, or similar blocks (it depends on the pack/client, and on some, it can be configured) invisible. That way the hacker will easily be able to find way more ores than they normally would. X-Ray is usually used on Survival because of the value of the ores there.