We are always doing our utmost to ensure that your account is secured well. However, there are some things you can do to improve this security and to make sure no one can hack your account. This thread is going to explain how you can improve the security of your account and reduce the chances of someone accessing it without your permission.
Take advantage of the following practices to secure your account:
- Make sure your passwords are strong (variation of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, characters, and numbers).
- Do not use the same password for multiple accounts. If you have the same password for all accounts and one of them gets hacked, the hacker will have access to all your accounts.
- Do not share your password/account with anyone (this is strongly discouraged). Note that PikaNetwork staff members will never ask you to share your password with them.
- Make sure your Minecraft account is linked to your email address (use /email <your email address> in the hub).
- Use a different password on every server you join and every website you use.
- Always be aware of the links you click (check the phishing links section below).
- Never download files sent by people you do not know. Some of them can be malware that can, among other things, steal passwords.
- Enable 2FA (two-factor authentication). We have this option both in-game (use /2fa in the hub) and on the forums (Your account > Password and security). 2FA makes it so you have to enter a code (that is generated on an application on your phone) every time you log in. This makes it so you can keep your account safe even if someone somehow finds out what your passwords are.
Be aware of the malicious practices listed below so you can avoid them.
Password Logging Servers
When you register on a cracked Minecraft server, you are usually asked to enter a password. Many players use the same password on every server they join, but this is a very bad idea and you should never do that. Why? Because some servers are designed to steal the passwords of players. They will ask you to register and they will log your password so they can use it on other servers. This is why you should always use a different password on every server you join.
Phishing Links
These links are similar to known links (for example, 'plka-network' instead of 'pika-network' in a link). They are used to steal your data. The layout that comes when you click them can be very similar to a known website's interface. However, when you enter your login information, they will save your password and send it to someone who can then try out that password on a known website in an attempt of logging into your account without your permission.
To avoid this, make sure you:
- Never click links sent by people you do not know.
- Always read links multiple times before clicking them to make sure they are real links, even if they are sent by someone you know very well. You never know what someone's real intentions might be.
- Enable 2FA (two-factor authentication).
- Access important websites directly via bookmarks.
- Whenever you can, go to where the link is supposed to redirect you on your own instead of clicking the link. For example, if someone sends you a link to a PikaNetwork forums thread, try to locate the thread yourself instead of clicking the link.
This article was written by Arrly.